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 Importance of Marriage in Islam

The Holy Quran says,
“And marry those among you who are single and those who are fit among your male slaves and your female slaves; if they are needy, Allah will make them free from want out of His grace; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.” (Surah an-Nur, 24:32)

The above ayat opens with the verses Wa Ankehoo (And marry…). The vital form of the word ‘nikah’ involves that either it is mandatory or highly suggested.

According to scholars, though wedding is a highly commended act, it becomes mandatory when there is a chance of falling into sin.

The Prophet (SAW) says, “No family has been built in Islam more beloved in the sight of Allah than through marriage.” 

On another time the Prophet (SAW) said,
“The best people of my (Ummat) are those who get married and have selected their spouses, and the vilest people of my Ummat are those who have kept away from wedding and are passing their lives as single man.” 

Imam ‘Ali (A.S.) encourages, “Marry, because wedding is the ritual of the Holy Prophet (SAW).” The Holy Prophet (SAW) also said, “Whosoever likes to follow my ritual, then he should know that wedding is from my ritual.” 

A. Significance of Sex in Marriage

In Islam, wedding is not limited to a platonic association among husband and wife, nor is it specially for breeding. The Islamic term for wedding, “nikah” exactly means sexual intercourse.
So why has Islam delivered wide-ranging directions and guideline regarding sex? This was because Islam has fully agreed that sexual instincts cannot and must not be crushed. They can only be regulated for the well being of human beings in this life and for their success in the hereafter.
Sex in married life has been openly suggested in Qur’an,
“…when they [i.e., the wives] have cleansed themselves [after menstruation], you go into them as Allah has ordered…” (Surah al-Baqarah, 2:222)

B. Fulfillment of Sexual Urge

The Holy Prophet (SAW) and the Holy Imams (R.A) also cheered their admirers to marry and to fulfill their sexual needs in legitimate ways as can be seen from the following: The Prophet (SAW) said, “O you young men! I recommend marriage to you.” 
Imam Reza (R.A) said, “Three things are from the customs of the Messengers of God (SAW): using perfume, removing the [excessive] hair and go to one’s wife.”  

C. Beneficial Effects of a Married Life

Numerous studies prove that married people remain healthier, physically and mentally. Islam has always keep up that marriage is helpful for us in many ways.
Islam also regards wedding as a way to acquire spiritual perfection.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “One who get married, has already secured half of his religion, therefore he should fear Allah for the other half.” 
 How factual a person who accomplishes his sexual needs legitimately would hardly be distracted in spiritual searches.

Best Online Marriage Bureau in Faisalabad

D. Marriage Boosts the Value of Prayers

The Holy Prophet (SAW) said, “Two rak‘ats  prayed by a married person are better than the night-vigil and the fast of a single person.” 
A woman came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) and said that she had tried everything to attract her husband but ineffective; he does not leave his consideration to pay any attention to her.
The Holy Prophet (SAW) told her to notify her husband about the reward of sexual intercourse which he described as follows: “When a man approaches his wife, he is guarded by two angels and [at that moment in Allah’s views] he is like a warrior fighting for the cause of Allah. When he has intercourse with her, his sins fall like the leaves of the tree [in fall season]. When he performs the major ablution, he is purified from sins.” 

E. Marriage Increases Nourishment

The Holy Prophet (SAW) mentioned, “Give partners to your single ones, because Allah makes their morality better (under the tail of marriage) and enlarges their fuel and increases their bigheartedness (human values).” 

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